Based in Bulahdelah, New South Wales, Jay Charnock is a household name in the sport of Campdrafting and Challenge. Jay has been a finalist in all major Campdrafts such as Royal Easter Show Campdraft, Paradise Lagoons, Landmark Classic and ASH National Championships. Jay is currently one of Australia's top breakers and trainers, he can also be seen in the cutting pen with a number of client horses, having competed at the NCHA Finals.
"A typical day I would like to be to wake up and go down to the stables and train horse all day but as we also run a small farm there are usually odd jobs to do with fencing, cattle and general up keep of the farm also including bookwork, organising competitions, clinics and running our own Stockman's challenge at Stroud."
For the upcoming season Jay priorities the development of his Stallions in the campdraft and challenge arena.
"My expectations for 2025 season are to just have fun with a bunch of these talented horses mainly focusing on campdrafting, with a few stockman challenges as well. Compared to 2024 with was majority stockman challenges. The horses already have some points in the campdraft national standings there for looking to build on that."